Published on March 9, 2022

La Poste achieves a score of 94/100 on the gender equality index

La Poste publishes the result of the new gender equality index, provided for under the act for Freedom to Choose One's Future Occupation of 5 September 2018.

For the fourth consecutive year, La Poste has been awarded a score of 94/100 thanks to its actions in terms of equal pay. The index is calculated on the basis of five indicators and yields the following results:

  • The gender pay gap: 0.3%, in favour of men, i.e. 39/40

  • The gap in the rate of individual increases: 4.4% in favour of women, i.e. 20/20

  • The gap in promotion rates (only for companies with more than 250 employees):   0.1% in favour of men, i.e. 15/15

  • The number of female employees receiving a raise following maternity leave: 100%, i.e. 15/15

  • Parity among the 10 highest paid: 3 women, i.e. 5/10

The proportion of women in the workforce in 2021

Women account for 52.7% of the total workforce at La Poste. Women now account for 52% of management staff, including 39.7% of senior and strategic managers.

Equality in the workplace is a value that has long been part of La Poste's values and policies. It is reflected in concrete actions and is the subject of regular social agreements.

The fourth professional equality agreement was signed for the period 2019-2022 between La Poste and the CGT, CFDT, FO, CFE-CGC / CFTC and UNSA-Postes trade unions. It aims to enable La Poste to make progress in three areas: the proportion of women among strategic and executive managers, continuing the fight against sexism and violence and strengthening gender diversity in all lines of work.

To pursue this last objective, Le Groupe La Poste's "Un.e" parity network was launched in October 2019 to encourage discussion and reflection to continue advancing parity between women and men in all levels of the Group's functions. 

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