Published on July 29, 2022

GeoPost/DPDgroup 2022 first-half results

In a challenging environment, GeoPost/DPDgroup has recorded a solid operating performance for the first half of 2022, with a €7.5 billion revenue (+4.5% vs last year) and over 1 billion parcels delivered worldwide.

Following a record H1 2021 due to lockdown effects, GeoPost/DPDgroup consolidates its results in H1 2022 despite a specific depreciation¹.

This result demonstrates the relevance of the strategic plan “Together & Beyond” implemented by he company since 2021, which is based on three pillars: expand core activities, accelerate initiatives in strategic segments and conquer new horizons. GeoPost/DPDgroup further reinforced its ambition to lead on net-zero emissions in the parcel delivery industry. The company has submitted its decarbonization trajectory to the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi), with the objective to reach its target of net zero emissions by 2040, ten years ahead of the Paris Agreement.

In a challenging environment, GeoPost/DPDgroup has recorded a solid operating performance. I am grateful to our teams, who have demonstrated a great ability to adjust to changing economic circumstances during the first half of the year. In this context, those first six months have also been marked by the development of strategic initiatives for us, such as out of home delivery, food delivery and sustainability. Yves Delmas, Chief Executive Officer of GeoPost/DPDgroup and Executive Vice President of La Poste Group

GeoPost/DPDgroup has navigated a complex environment during H1 2022

Following a Covid pandemic that marked e-shoppers’ behaviours and consumption over the last two years, we’ve entered 2022 by facing challenging market conditions, such as the war in Ukraine, a slowdown in consumption, rising inflation, energy cost increase and drivers shortage.

  • Total volumes are slightly down in H1 2022 compared to H1 2021, with 1 billion parcels delivered worldwide (-2% compared to in H1 2021)

  • €7.5 billion in revenue for the six first months of 2022, +4.5%² from H1 2021, a record year, demonstrating the company’s capacity to adapt to market conditions

  • If B2C is decreasing compared to last year H1, positively impacted by lockdown effects (surge of +33% in volumes in 2021 vs 2020), B2B is growing again and exceeds pre-Covid levels, both in volumes and revenue

  • Also benefiting from the strong dynamism of international e-commerce, Asendia³ generated sales of 1,105 million euros, with organic growth of 3.4%, driven by the good performance of its subsidiary eShopWorld and in spite of the slowdown in the parcel business, particularly in Asia

  • In May 2022, GeoPost/DPDgroup announced its withdrawal from the Russian market, after having suspended all shipments to and from Russia in February 2022. GeoPost depreciated  the assets of its Russian subsidiary by 157 M€

  • Restated from this depreciation, operating profit of €460 million⁴, vs €556 million⁵ in H1 2021, highlighting sound control of the costs in an inflationary environment.

  1. (1)157 million euros depreciation of DPD Russia in June 2022

  2. (2)Includes Asendia (half year results) as La Poste Groupe has incorporated its shareholding in Asendia into the operational management of GeoPost/DPDgroup since 1st July 2021.

  3. (3)Asendia is a joint venture between La Poste and Swiss Post. Since 1st July 2021, La Poste Groupe has incorporated its shareholding in Asendia into the operational management of GeoPost/DPDgroup

  4. (4)Restated of 157 million euros depreciation Russia in June 2022

  5. (5)Restated of 18 million euros Speedy revaluation in June 2021

The strategic plan “Together & Beyond” latest developments

In the last six months, GeoPost/DPDgroup has pursued its strategic plan “Together & Beyond”, based on three pillars: expand core activities, accelerate initiatives in strategic segments and conquer new horizons. As part of this ambition, the following projects can be highlighted:

  1. (1)Excluding Russia

  2. (2)Asendia is a joint venture between La Poste and Swiss Post. Since 1st July 2021, La Poste Groupe has incorporated its shareholding in Asendia into the operational management of GeoPost/DPDgroup.

2022 first half results


Read the press release

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