Published on June 26, 2023

As a long-standing partner of healthcare professionals and a trusted physical and digital third party, Le Groupe La Poste has invested in the healthcare sector mainly through acquisitions and partnerships. It is continuing to expand in order to support healthcare professionals in four areas.

Drawing on its strong local roots and its long-standing close ties with the public sector, Le Groupe La Poste has developed a structure to apply its expertise to the healthcare system. In this way, Le Groupe La Poste has created solutions for patients, healthcare professionals and local and national public bodies, serving the interests of all.

A long history of expertise in healthcare

As the leading provider of local services, Le Groupe La Poste is keeping abreast of changes in society. Benefiting from the trust of the French people, it works alongside local players and has naturally used its values, know-how and assets to support healthcare: its sense of public interest, its local presence with its 65,000 postmen and women, its responsible financing and its ethical approach to digital technology.

The Group has also been able to adapt its core expertise in logistics and develop its digital services to meet the challenges facing the healthcare system. It has gained credibility and influence within the healthcare ecosystem by becoming the leader in healthcare data hosting. La Banque Postale, the leading bank financing local authorities and public hospitals (1) since 2015, is a strong corporate citizen and supports all healthcare professionals in their development in the regions. This local presence is an asset that the Group capitalises on to support healthcare players in their local areas.

A group organised to address the challenges faced by healthcare players and develop home healthcare

Le Groupe La Poste aims to become the leading operator and partner in home healthcare. To this end, Le Groupe La Poste has brought together its subsidiaries with expertise in home healthcare, healthcare pathways and home assistance services under its holding company La Poste Santé. As a result, its “santé” and “PSAD” (home healthcare service providers) divisions are already supporting more than 100,000 patients with their medical care, working hand in hand with healthcare professionals.

A partnership approach to healthcare development

Le Groupe La Poste has developed new expertise and innovative services through strategic acquisitions and partnerships in the healthcare sector. The acquisitions include logistics and delivery services for sensitive healthcare products and medical equipment (BIOLOGISTIC, ASTEN SANTÉ, DIADOM). La Poste has acquired or taken equity investments in companies involved in the digitalisation of healthcare (NOUVEAL E-SANTÉ, NEWCARD) and the security of healthcare data (ICANOPÉE, INADVANS). These alliances have enabled Le Groupe La Poste and its subsidiaries to provide services to major players in the healthcare system (ELSAN, RAMSAY, Assurance Maladie).

La Poste: a key provider in logistics and digital solutions during the Covid-19 pandemic

La Poste's various skills and expertise were harnessed during the Covid-19 pandemic:

- The Group's logistical power ensured the delivery of Covid-19 screening tests, medicines to individuals and masks.

- Patients known or suspected to be carriers of the virus were monitored remotely using Covidom, a Nouveal e-santé service.

- All healthcare data was managed via La Poste's digital hub (Docaposte is certified as a personal healthcare data host by the Agence du Numérique en Santé).

- The Group's home healthcare service made it possible to lend equipment to hard-hit hospitals in the East of France.

- Support and assistance to the elderly and maintaining services for dependent people was provided throughout the crisis (equipment for the EHPAD of the Nord departmental council and support for isolated elderly people by offering free services);

- A €300 million package of zero-interest cash loans was made available to hospitals and local authorities by La Banque Postale to support them from the start of the crisis, particularly in the hardest-hit areas.