La Poste’s current strategic plan: “La Poste 2020: Conquering the Future”, launched in 2014 and updated in 2017, aims to fundamentally transform the Group's strategic and business model to account for the effects of the ongoing digital revolution. The rise of digital technology is affecting all facets of the company and is causing structural decline in its historical business activities of mail and post office visits. The banking market is facing constantly changing regulation and persistently weak interest rates, as well as the emergence of 100% digital actors. As for the parcels market, it is facing the emergence of new competitors, small and large, who are positioning themselves at various points on the value chain. That said, this sector is benefiting from the explosion of e-commerce, which is translating into strong growth in flows for delivery actors.
La Poste has taken full stock of the challenges before it, namely changes in its traditional business activities, and the need to boost its drivers of growth.
The objective of its strategic plan is to become more competitive and to ensure strong economic health, which will protect the future of the company and its employees.
The key guiding principles of this plan translate into five strategic priorities (growth, building a labour-management agreement, maintaining our public service missions, performance and synergies active growing) which are then incorporated into the strategy of each business unit.