Since 2005, the company-regional charter has gotten signatory companies to invest in various initiatives to promote local development in important areas: local employment, helping youth enter the job market, relationships with academic institutions, local and responsible purchasing, development of the social and solidarity economy, businesses connecting with the region in which they operate, and collaboration to protect the environment.
Along with La Poste, four other companies have renewed their commitment: Morgana SAS, Plus que Parfait, Burger King Quick Services and the Stade de France Consortium. One new signatory, Equinix France, has also joined the ranks of this initiative's partner companies, bringing the total number of signatures to 118.
Created in 2000, Plaine Commune is a public regional establishment made up of nine cities: Aubervilliers, Epinay-sur-Seine, L'Île-Saint-Denis, La Courneuve, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, Saint-Denis, Saint-Ouen, Stains and Villetaneuse. The Plaine Commune area includes universities, research laboratories, global companies as well as innovative VSEs, thousands of workers, and nearly 408,000 residents.