Published on July 20, 2018

Gien : promoting access to services via digital technology

On 13 December, the citizens of Gien were invited to come and find out about the new website of the Communauté des Communes Giennoises (45) : With the help of representatives of the Departmental Council of Loiret and Docapost/Localéo, a subsidiary of Le Groupe La Poste, guests were able to create their first citizen’s account of its kind in France. It actually allows users to access services at three levels of local authority.

Testimonials from Thierry Lascou, Head of Digitisation and Modernisation at the Departmental Council of Loiret, and Yannick Rouyeras, Private Secretary for the Communauté de Communes Giennoises.

What are the issues surrounding accessibility of services in your community ?

Thierry Lascou : Our primary objective is to place citizens at the heart of our organisation to improve the quality of the service rendered. This means redesigning the user experience and modernising our services and our tools. Today, we need to revisit everything in order to offer an innovative, high-quality service that also plays the proximity and customisation card. To achieve that, we are optimising our structure through the gradual training for our staff in new roles, placing ever greater emphasis on their contact with our users.

Yannick Rouyeras : The reality is simple: more than 80% of French people are internet users, and yet fewer than 50% of them use online public services. In an era when we can organise everything at the time and in the place of our choosing, public services need to rethink their structure in order to adapt to the needs of citizens, at the risk of falling out of touch with them. For us, the local authority is a service provider. It must adopt an approach centred on the customer when it comes to accessing its solutions. The goal is to simplify, modernise and secure the experience, to preserve the close relationship with citizens.

How do you incorporate the digital aspect in your thinking? What do you suggest ?

Thierry Lascou : We have already incorporated it. Our services have been accessible online since 2014 via a regional portal. We have over 55,000 user accounts, and we want to take integration even further through the experiment launched with the Communauté de Communes Giennoises. Users will thus have a single account to access services at three levels of local authority (town, local council community and department), with monitoring and cross-channel processing of requests. The Departmental Council of Loiret wishes to develop this activity with other public establishments for cooperation between local authorities (EPCIs) via the Loiret Numérique agency. Beyond a priority to satisfy users, integrating digital technology into accessing services meets a regulatory objective: bringing organisations into compliance with the legal requirements.

Yannick Rouyeras : We are working on two areas of focus: regional planning and management. The first point is essential because we want to offer equal access to services, in both rural and urban areas, as well as equal use of the service, in order to avoid accentuating the regional divide. The second is equally important because digital technology is a catalyst for change: for our residents, our staff and the region. We must offer a response that is tailored to demands and make the skills of our staff available to users. Digital transformation is complex but vital for public service activities, which face a great deal of competition. Thanks to digital tools, we can collect data on user habits (travel, consumption, etc.) in order to refine our service offerings and make sustainable investments.

La Poste testimonial

Laurent Cervoni / Managing Director of Localéo “Contributing to the modernisation of public service activities using digital technology is a strategic focus for Le Groupe La Poste. As a subsidiary, Localéo therefore aims to meet the needs of regions and users by developing optimised solutions for citizen relationship management. Indeed, the rollout of e-services is a major challenge for local players, in terms both of user satisfaction and of regulations. By using tools that simplify procedures and improve the efficiency of local authorities, Localéo is contributing to their modern image.”