Since the 2008 financial crisis, the fight against tax avoidance and tax evasion has become a key concern for any citizen. People got interested in the tax policy of large multinational corporations they suspected to fraud.
In this context, the G20 member countries requested the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) to review international tax rules and create new ones so as to address weaknesses in the current tax system. The OECD launched the "BEPS" project (*) consisting of 15 Action Plans to address the problem of base erosion and profit shifting. This project resulted in a package of recommendations leading to improved coherence of international tax rules and transparency of the tax environment.
Following BEPS, several transparency obligations on companies have been adopted. In the United Kingdom, certain groups have to publish their tax strategy since 2016. The required information must be published on their website.
As an international group, Le Groupe La Poste is aware of its responsibility and is committed to paying its fair share of income tax in the countries where it operates, in accordance with the applicable laws. As a good corporate citizen, the Group considers taxation as a part of its commitment to sustainable and responsible growth.
Considering tax transparency as a key element of its ethical commitment, Le Groupe La Poste already publishes information on the risks and policies implemented to combat tax evasion (**). In this context, Le Groupe La Poste decided to further increase its tax transparency by describing its tax policy.
This publication of our Tax Policy is a token of our commitment to explain our guiding principles in relation to taxes.